NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) involves the language of the body as a whole - our neuro (nerve) messages from the brain, our voice and body (language) together with how our beliefs are created and embedded in our subconscious.
90% of what goes on in our heads is in our subconscious!
Coaching is not counselling, you do not have to share everything with me – as a Deep Structure Practitioner Coach I will ask you powerful clean language questions to enable you to access your subconscious and find the answers for yourself.
Fed up of the pain?
No physical reason for the pain?
You want to know the real reason for the symptoms?
Your pain is affecting every part of your life?
You want to feel differently?
Your belief patterns are formed to keep you safe, often at an early age but also as you experience day to day life.
When you experience an emotional event or trauma, however insignificant it may seem at the time, your subconscious creates a belief to keep you safe at that time. Now, that belief may have been right for you at that particular moment, to protect you until such time you could deal with the emotions BUT it may not be right for you now - it may even be holding you back now.
In addition, if the emotions around the belief are not dealt with they can compound and over time have to be released. If you have not dealt with the trauma around the emotions they will come out in the physical, hence physical pain with no physical explanation.
The belief created to keep you safe will not be a conscious one, it will be buried deep, shut away to protect you.
By trusting me and following the process together you can delve deep into your subscious to find the belief, discover when and why that belief was created, whether it still serves you and if not you can let it and the pain go.
I have experienced the changes these techniques achieve and am passionate about help you in the same way.
I just love seeing the transformations in my clients and the positive changes deep structure coaching has.
Do you want to continue as you are?
Are you ready to change?
Put yourself in control, take the first step to discover the real reason you feel as you do
You are welcome to follow my page and join my community on Facebook
Nicky Marshall - The Hidden Pain Detective
07533 189864
Falcon Business Centre, Eagle Road,
Plymouth PL75JY